
Doge, Unleashed

doged is a feature-rich full node implementation for Dogecoin, based on battle-tested blockchain software, developed and maintained by Bitcoin veterans

Dogecoin For The World

Unleash the Doge with doged

Since its inception, Dogecoin was a special project. The "doge" meme has captured the hearts and minds of many, and Dogecoin has helped spread the loveable doge worldwide.

It is important that crypto-memes which promulgate positive values have their infrastructure meticulously maintained to ensure their long-term survival.

doged recognizes this necessity and has crafted a Dogecoin-compatible node from the best open source software available. This tried and tested blockchain software will scale Dogecoin for the world... and beyond?

Bitcoin Veterans on a Mission

Every development team that aims to achieve "veteran" status in their craft must establish an extensive track record and standard of excellence.

Bitcoin ABC is one such team. Their historical and ongoing ability to consistently produce enterprise-ready Bitcoin software firmly cements their "veteran" status.

doged builds on Bitcoin ABC's battle-tested technology to bring scale and fresh innovation to the Dogecoin blockchain.

Standard Of Excellence

Building a strong technical foundation is impossible without a strong culture of professional development. The difficult things must be done in order to achieve the best results.

Strict prioritization of business continuity
Stringent coordination of regular network upgrades
Regularly scheduled patch releases with fixes and features
Thorough documentation and how-tos for all runtime configurations

Why Choose doged?

Extensive track record

Bitcoin ABC was the team responsible for launching the Bitcoin Cash blockchain in August 2017 and the eCash blockchain in 2020. doged is the culmination of nearly seven years of enterprise production experience in the blockchain space by building on the learnings from Bitcoin ABC.

Regular software updates

Maintenance of any software is of utmost importance, and a cryptocurrency network of Dogecoin stature is certainly no exception. doged is dedicated to releasing regular software updates to squash bugs and ensure your node is stable and secure.

Dedicated application toolkit

doged brings Dogecoin into the modern world by providing all of the tooling and RPCs that you expect of a mature blockchain. doged modern tooling gets out of your way so you can build the latest applications on Dogecoin.

Frequently asked questions

Coming soon!